Corban Swain’s Ph.D. Thesis Defense
and Culminating Presentation

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
In-person & Online Location Details Below


Will You Plan to Attend?

In-person Location

MIT McGovern Institute
Room 46-3310 (3rd floor)
43 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

Virtual Attendance

Zoom Room Link
Meeting ID: 983 5969 5030
Password: 146266


Reception to Follow Immediately
4:30 PM

MIT McGovern Institute
3rd Floor Atrium

I am thrilled to invite you!

I’m excited to welcome you to the culminating presentation of my doctoral research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Synthetic Neurobiology laboratory of Prof. Ed Boyden. (I will also be showcasing a small collection of other projects and work which I have completed outside the lab.) Please save the date Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. A reception will follow immediately after the defense at around 4:30 PM.

This is the final step in completing my Ph.D. in the department of Biological Engineering after nearly seven years of study. I am so grateful for all of the ways that you have supported me to make it to this point and I look forward to sharing what I have been blessed to accomplish with you!

There are in-person and virtual options for attendance. Please RSVP today so I can plan for the reception and send email/text reminders about defense details.

 —Corban Swain


Ways to Support

Please know: your attendance is support enough! However, if you would like to support me materially or spiritually ahead of this milestone, any of the following would mean so much.


Prayer is incredibly appreciated during this time; please pray as you are led or partner with me on any of the following points:

  • Focus and endurance for me to complete the remaining work.
  • Favor with the thesis committee’s evaluation of my presentation and written dissertation.
  • A heart of gratitude and the mindfullness to acknowldge all who have helped me get here in ways large and small.
  • That the defense day and environment will be a space where people encounter God’s goodness and love.

Financial & Logistical

I am planning to host a post-defense reception on the evening of July 9th and celebration later that week. If you would like to chip in to cover the costs of food and venue you can give by any of the means below. (Please tag any transaction with “defense”):

Or if you have capacity to help me with event organization & logistics please contact me directly or at indicating you’re willing to help.

Memories or Encouragement

I would love to complie memories of our special moments together as well as any messages of encouragement! Please upload any photos, videos, or messages to this Dropbox File Request.

Traditional Cards

If you would like to send any cards or items please contact me directly or at for a mailing address.